Third Generation Management Plan
The Metropolitan Surface Water Management Act of 1982 required all land in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area to be divided into watersheds, each watershed to be overseen by a Watershed Management Organization (WMO), and each WMO to adopt a Watershed Management Plan. These plans must be updated at least every ten years.
The Commissions adopted their initial or First Generation Management Plans in 1990. Each Commission adopted a separate plan, although many policies and actions were similar. For the Second Generation Plan, adopted in May 2004, the two Commissions elected to develop a joint management plan. The Third Generation Plan was jointly completed and adopted in 2013. The Plan is periodically revised, as revisions are made to the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) or when a policy change is made. In Fall 2021, the Commissions began working on the Fourth Generation Plan, to be completed in 2022 and adopted in 2023. |
Download Files:
Third Generation Watershed Management Plan Most Current Shingle Creek CIP Most Current West Mississippi CIP Appendix A: Joint Powers Agreements Appendix B: Self Assessment Appendix C: Rules and Standards Appendix D: Monitoring Program Appendix E: Education and Outreach Program Appendix F: CIP Descriptions Appendix F: CIP Descriptions as Revised Appendix G: Public Review and Input Process |