The Commissions frequently hear presentations by outside speakers, or by consulting staff on topics of both specific and general interest.
Status of Minnesota Blue Line Extension Project by
Jim Toulouse, P.E., Engineering Manager, Metro Transit
Juan T. Rangel, Community Outreach Coordinator BLRT, Metro Transit
Eric D. Roerish, P.E., Principal, SRF Consulting Group, Inc.
Prediction of starry stonewort invasion risks in Minnesota and Wisconsin based on lake level habitat suitability - Where is starry stonewort going? by
Ranjan Muthukrishnan, Ph.D., University of Minnesota Aquatic Invasive Species Research Center
Why is Watershed Phosphorus Loading so Stubbornly Persistent? by
Joe Bischoff, Wenck Associates
The Commissions frequently hear presentations by outside speakers, or by consulting staff on topics of both specific and general interest.
Status of Minnesota Blue Line Extension Project by
Jim Toulouse, P.E., Engineering Manager, Metro Transit
Juan T. Rangel, Community Outreach Coordinator BLRT, Metro Transit
Eric D. Roerish, P.E., Principal, SRF Consulting Group, Inc.
Prediction of starry stonewort invasion risks in Minnesota and Wisconsin based on lake level habitat suitability - Where is starry stonewort going? by
Ranjan Muthukrishnan, Ph.D., University of Minnesota Aquatic Invasive Species Research Center
Why is Watershed Phosphorus Loading so Stubbornly Persistent? by
Joe Bischoff, Wenck Associates